TABEDE VIDEO 1: "Showcasing the Pilot in Bergamo, Italy"
This video was created by Schneider Electric Italy and demonstrates the residential building pilot being carried out in Bergamo, Italy.
TABEDE VIDEO 3: "Smart Buildings Workshop at SP2020"
TABEDE was invited to present its advanced ICT solutions for the smart building sector in this SP2020 workshop, which discussed support for smart buildings to accelerate market uptake.
TABEDE VIDEO 5: "Taking Demand Response to Scale"
This public webinar provided a general overview of the TABEDE project solutions and 3 pilots.
TABEDE VIDEO 2: "Showcasing the Overall BMS-E Solution"
This video was created by R2M Solution and demonstrates the overall project solution, the “Building Management Systems-Extender” (“BMS-E”).
TABEDE VIDEO 4: "Flexibility 2.0 Workshop at SP2020"
TABEDE was the main organiser of this SP2020 workshop, which focused on sharing knowledge and experiences in the development of solutions for demand response and energy flexibility.
TABEDE VIDEO 6: "Real Case Applications of the BMS-E"
This public webinar provided a detailed overview of the 3 TABEDE pilots as of November 2020.
"Flexibility 2.1: From Demand Response to Renewable Energy Communities"
“Energy communities can help in providing flexibility to the electricity system through demand response and storage” [EU Commission, Dec 2020]. This public webinar briefly presented various results from the following 15 European-funded projects, each focused on a unique aspect of the energy transition both at building and community levels. The webinar aimed to kickstart stakeholder engagement within a shared LinkedIn group of the same name, open to anyone with interest.
The 15 projects who contributed (with PDFs of their presentations and Twitter links to stay in touch) are listed as follows:
TABEDE (TowArds Building rEady for Demand rEsponse): Andre de Fontaine, ENGIE Impact [PDF, @tabede_project]
SMARTBUILT4EU (The EU Smart Building Innovation Platform): Alexis David, ECTP [PDF, @SmartBuilt4EU]
DELTA (Future tamper-proof Demand rEsponse framework through seLf-configured, self-opTimized and collAborative virtual distributed energy nodes): Apostolos Tsolakis, Information Technologies Institute/CERTH [PDF, @delta_eu]
eDREAM (enabling new Demand REsponse Advanced, Market oriented and Secure technologies, solutions and business models): Giuseppe Mastandrea, Energy @ Work [PDF, @eDREAMh2020]
RESPOND (integrated demand REsponse Solution towards energy POsitive NeighbourhooDs): Iker Esnaola, Tekniker [PDF, @project_respond]
HOLISDER (Integrating Real-Intelligence in Energy Management Systems enabling Holistic Demand Response Optimization in Buildings and Districts): M.J. (Mente) Konsman, TNO [PDF, @HolisderProject]
SocialRES (Fostering socially innovative and inclusive strategies for empowering citizens in the renewable energy market of the future): Iban Lizarralde, ESTIA [PDF, @SocialRESeu]
HESTIA (Holistic dEmand response Services for European residenTIAl communities): Toke Haunstrup Bach Christensen, Aalborg University [PDF, @EuHestia]
CREATORS (CREATing cOmmunity eneRgy Systems): Giel Vandenbroeck, Cordeel [PDF, @creators4you]
RENAISSANCE (RENewAble Integration and SuStainAbility iN energy CommunitiEs): Thierry Coosemans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, MOBI, EVERGi Research Team [PDF, @H2020_Ren]
E-LAND (Integrated multi-vector management system for Energy isLANDs): Farhan Farrukh, Smart Innovation Norway [PDF, @elandh2020]
COMPILE (Integrating community power in energy islands): Andrej Gubina, University of Ljubljana [PDF, @CompileH2020]
NEWCOMERS (New Clean Energy Communities in a Changing European Energy System): Sarah Darby, University of Oxford [PDF, @NEWCOMERS_H2020]
REACT (Renewable Energy for self-sustAinable island CommuniTies): Iker Esnaola, Tekniker [PDF, @React2020]
IElectrix (Indian and European Local Energy Communities For Renewable Integration and the Energy Transition): Pierre-Jacques Le Quellec, Enedis; and Markus Resch, Energie Güssing [PDF, @Ielectrix_H2020]
In the first two TABEDE webinars, we introduced you to demand response and its implementation obstacles in a building with or without a Building Management System (BMS), thanks to the TABEDE BMS-Extender solution. This time, we opened the doors of our Pilots: a smart house (in Cardiff, UK), a residential building (in Bergamo – Italy) and an office building (in Grenoble – France) to see how the BMS-Extender is being deployed and validated. Additionally, we provided some recommendations to standardization and regulatory bodies that could empower the widespread adoption of demand response tools.
Webinar agenda (compiled PDF of all presentations delivered):
- 11h00: “Intro” (Eva Coscia, R2M Solution)
- 11h05: “TABEDE: goals and solutions” (Andre de Fontaine, Engie Impact)
- 11h20: “The Cardiff smart home pilot” (Kui Weng, Cardiff Univ.)
- 11h35: “The Grenoble industrial building” (Henri Obara, Schneider France)
- 11h50: “The Bergamo residential building pilot” (Francesco Martinelli, Schneider Italy)
- 12h05: “Policy & standardisation landscape” (Taline Dekermenjian, Engie Impact)
- 12h20: “Questions and answers” (monitored by Zia Lennard, R2M Solution)
- 12h30: “Thanks and closure” (Eva Coscia, R2M Solution)